Minutes, June 13, 2023


Tuesday, June 13, 2023, at 5:00 pm

Poynette Area Public Library


Call to Order and Roll Call - The meeting was called to order at 5:02 PM by Vice President Linda Ross. Attending the meeting were Board Members Darcy Miller, Linda Ross, Joni DeYoung, Dave Tessmer, Dr. Jerry Pritzl, and Meghan Visger. Library Director Jodi Bailey was also present. Board President Jason Koopmans arrived at 5:15 (excused tardy).

Certification of Proper Notice – Yes

Guests in Attendance - Greg Cashman from Cashman Associates, Inc. and Craig Malin, Poynette Village Administrator

Public Comments - Mr. Cashman presented options for potential improvement projects that could determine Library Impact Fees. Mr. Cashman proposed two options for remodeling the library to create more usable programming space. The first option was repurposing the storage space above the children’s library to create community space, adding an elevator, and adding a second emergency exit staircase. The second option included adding another floor above the main library for more community space, as well as remodeling the storage area above the children’s library. Mr. Cashman also included a budget estimate for each project. The Library Board will hold a special meeting on June 22nd to discuss and consider a proposal to present before the Poynette Village Board regarding Library Impact Fees.

Adoption of Agenda - A motion to adopt the agenda was made by Visger, seconded by Miller; Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes from May 9, 2023 Meeting - A motion to adopt the May meeting minutes as presented was made by Ross, seconded by Pritzl; Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report Presented by Treasurer Linda Ross - The library checking account at Bank First has a balance of $5,230.99 as of May 31, 2023. The SCLS Foundation account has a balance of $1,748.23 as of May 31, 2023.

Current Budget Review - Director Bailey presented the budget.

Director’s Report - Director Bailey shared the Summer Reading Program kicked off June 5th and there are already 175 participants registered. She’s very appreciative of Katy Hanousek for creating this literacy program for our community and for the Friends of the Library’s support. Director Bailey met with Craig Malin, the Poynette Village Administrator, to discuss Library Impact Fees. Director Bailey has been taking the Bookmobile to the Poynette Farmers Markets, Literacy Night at Poynette Elementary School and other local events. The Storywalk was installed on June 1st thanks to Poy. Public Works Dept. Katy and Jodi facilitated the 2nd grade community field trips with four Poynette Elementary Teachers and their students. The staff attended several webinars, classes, and meetings throughout the month for planning purposes, continuing education and safety training. Community involvement included delivering books & other library materials in support of the Pioneer Place outreach program.

Village of Poynette Meeting Update - DeYoung shared that Chief Rogge reported they’re well over halfway to their K9 fundraising goal ($20,000 received to date).

Friends of the Library Report - Director Bailey shared that the Friends hosted an ice cream social on June 13. The Friends received a $15,000 grant from PACE. They voted to pay for the drywall repair, re-painting and to purchase furniture to complete the adult quiet reading room remodel. They also donated $700 toward the Summer Reading Program baskets & performer costs.


1. Approval of Vouchers for Library - Miller made a motion to accept the vouchers as presented, seconded by Pritzl; Motion carried.

2. Review/discuss PAPL Bylaws - Director Bailey shared the revisions made per last month’s Board discussion. Dr. Pritzl made a motion to approve the PAPL Bylaws as presented; seconded by Koopmans; Motion carried.

3. Discuss/consider Water Usage Agreement with the Poynette Area Gardeners Association - Pritzl made a motion to approve the Water Usage Agreement discussed/presented at last month’s meeting; seconded by DeYoung; Motion carried.

4. Discuss/Consider Bookmobile Update - Tabled due to the meeting being rescheduled.

5. Discuss letter writing campaign - Director Bailey shared postcards that are being distributed by the Columbia Co. libraries to be sent to the Columbia County Board of Supervisors. The Directors are raising awareness about the outdated funding algorithm and highlighting how our Summer Reading Programs are enriching our communities.

6. Discuss Agenda Items for the Next Meeting on July 18, 2023 - Business Agenda items 1, 4, Library Impact Fees, a Closed Session for staff schedule updates, as well as any items that may arise in the meantime.

Adjournment - The meeting adjourned at 7:27 PM.

Respectively submitted by Meghan Visger, Secretary.