Minutes, September 12, 2023

Tuesday, September 12, 2023, at 5:00 pm
Poynette Area Public Library

Call to Order and Roll Call - The meeting was called to order at 5:01 PM by President Jason Koopmans. Attending the meeting were Board Members Darcy Miller, Linda Ross, Joni DeYoung, and Meghan Visger. Library Director Jodi Bailey was also present. Dr. Jerry Pritzl attended remotely. 

Certification of Proper Notice – Yes

Guests in Attendance – Former Trustee Dave Tessmer attended as a guest.

Public Comments – None

Adoption of Agenda - A motion to adopt the agenda was made by Ross, seconded by Miller; Motion carried. 
Approval of Minutes from August 8, 2023 - A motion to adopt the August meeting minutes as presented was made by Ross, seconded by Koopmans; Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report Presented by Treasurer Linda Ross - The library checking account at Bank First has a balance of $5,390.49 as of August 31, 2023. The SCLS Foundation account has a balance of
$1,817.93 as of August 31, 2023.

Current Budget Review - Director Bailey presented the budget.

Director’s Report – The library welcomed Leah Bauer to the staff as the new Adult Services Program Coordinator. The Bookmobile Committee collaborated with Katy Hanousek who created an “Inspirational Canvas” to encourage community input on the wrap design. Director Bailey hopes to assist the Friends of Poynette Library with completing a PACE (Poynette Area Community Endowment, Inc.) grant application for 2024. The library’s final Summer Reading Program performer, “Hoop Elation,” set a record of 97 participants. The staff attended several webinars, classes, and meetings throughout the month for planning purposes, continuing education, and safety training. Community involvement in August included Bookmobile deliveries in support of the Pioneer Place outreach program, in-home daycare deliveries, home-bound delivery, participation in the Arlington Fireman’s Parade and promoting library programs, etc. at the Poynette Farmers Market.

Village of Poynette Meeting Update – Joni DeYoung shared that several people came to support the Poynette Library and the Library Impact Fees. Many people spoke in favor of the library and the need for more community space. Village Administrator Craig Malin will draft the new ordinance and plans to include it on the Agenda at the next Poynette Village Board meeting in September. 

Friends of the Library Report - Director Bailey stated that the Friends are preparing for their Annual Meeting held on September 19 which includes a presentation by John Armbruster, author of Tailspin.


1.    Approval of Vouchers for Library – Miller made a motion to accept the vouchers as presented, seconded by Koopmans; Motion carried.

2.    Discuss Bookmobile Committee Update - Director Bailey distributed the “Inspirational Canvas” used for community input in the design of the bookmobile wrap. The Bookmobile will be in the Homecoming Parade on Wednesday, September 20th.

3.    Discuss/ consider Library Impact Fees at the August 28 Poynette Village Board meeting - This was discussed in the Village of Poynette Meeting Update, noted above. Director Bailey shared her appreciation to all those who attended and showed their library support.

4.    Discuss/consider the “Circulation and Use of Materials” policy review - A few edits were made to the policy and the actual verbiage from the state statute was added. Ross made a motion to adopt the updated policy, seconded by Koopmans; Motion carried. 
5.    Discuss/consider 2024 Budget Committee update - Director Bailey does not have final numbers from Columbia County yet. The Board of Supervisors Finance Committee meets on Friday, September 22.

6.    Discuss/consider three candidates for one Library Board Trustee vacancy – The board reviewed the documents received from three applicants. After discussion, the board decided to invite the candidates to a “Meet and Greet” at the October 17 Library Board meeting.

7.    Discuss Agenda items for the next meeting on October 17, 2023 - Business Agenda items 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, meet and greet new Board Member candidates, and any items that may arise in the meantime.

Adjournment - The meeting adjourned at 6:12 PM.

Respectively submitted by Meghan Visger, Secretary.