The Release by Tom Isbell

Reviewed by D. Elsing, June 2019

The story The Release by Tom Isbell is the final book in The Release trilogy. In The Release it picks up a couple of weeks after the events of the second book as the Less Thans try to survive a harsh winter up in the mountains. The three main characters come off as odd in this book as the second book effects all of them heavily. Hope has her scares, both literal and metaphorical. Book is still in love, but the girl he loves rejects him as she feels unworthy of his affection. Finally Cat to me feels as if has no urge to do anything and gives a mood off that he only survives because he can and not because he wants to.

To read this book I highly recommend you read the previous two installments in the series to fully understand what is happening.I would recommend this book to teens and mainly to females because the book is more about the romance between Hope and Book than action and suspense. The book is a great fit for readers of the Maze Runner series. I give the book a four out of five because it was a good book, but it would stall at times and drag along until it would pick up again.